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Seol, Yoeun was born in Suwon, South Korea in 2012.

She started violin lessons at 32 months old in a local music school and continued her violin lessons with Ms. Jeon, Namsook & Park, Suyeon at the Little Star Music Academy. Afterwards, she studied under Ms. Lee, Sunny and currently, she is a student of Prof. Yoon, Donghwan.

At the age of four in 2016, she performed Vivaldi: Violin Concerto in G Minor (3rd Movement) at the Youth Festival of Gwangmyung City, South Korea. At age five in 2017, she performed Vivaldi: Violin Concerto ‘Summer’ (1st movement) at the Ensemble M Concert organized by SCC Hall, Seoul, South Korea. In the same year, she appeared in the SBS TV program that showcases highly gifted & talented children.

At six, she performed Saint-Seans: Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso and Bruch: Violin Concerto (3rd Movement) with Seoul Pops Orchestra. Her notable past performances are Sarasate: Zigeunerweisen, Paganini: Violin Concerto No. 2, Vitali: Chaconne in G Major, Mozart: Violin Concertos No. 4 & 5, and Sarasate: Carmen Fantasy Op. 25. 

In 2022, she was invited to perform at the 18th Emirates International Peace Music Festival in the UAE to play Mozart Violin Concerto no. 3 in G Major and had a recital at the Theatre of Mall of the Emirates.

In 2023, she performed the first movement of Mendelssohn Concerto in e minor at the Seoul Arts Centre Concert Hall, Vivaldi Four Seasons Spring with Seoul Newday Symphony Orchestra at the Sky Theatre of the National Theatre of Korea, and Waxman’s Carmen Fantasie with Suwon Philharmonic Orchestra at the Suwon Outdoor Music Hall and gave a solo recital in a small bookshop, too. She was selected as a performer at the Matinee concert and prizewinner at the Mozarteum International Summer Academy in Salzburg. 
She is currently working on Ysaye : Violin Sonatas.

She was honoured to be invited to perform at various significant South Korean government events such as the 20th anniversary of the 615 Inter-Korea Summit Talks & 6.15 Joint Declaration, Seoul Summit (P4G: partnering for green growth and global goals 2030), etc. In addition, she was invited to perform at the charity concert for children with cancer, the Premiere of the Film ‘La Melody’, SBS TV programs (Master in the house), Al Jazeera 101 East, and many YouTube Channels. 

She loves reading and enjoys figure skating and is attending CheonCheon Elementary School.

2012년에 대한민국 수원에서 태어났다.

32개월 무렵에 친구따라 놀러 갔던 동네의 바이올린 학원에서 바이올린을 처음 보고 배우기 시작했고 이후 작은별음악학원의 전남숙, 박수연 선생님, 서울중앙음악학원의 이선이 선생님을 거쳐 현재는 윤동환 선생님께 배우고 있다.

네 살이던 2016년에 광명의 청소년 음악회에서 비발디 콘체르토 g minor 3악장을 연주한 것을 시작으로 2017년에는 SCC홀에서 기획하는 앙상블M의 연주회에서 비발디 사계 여름 1악장을 협연하였고, 같은 해, SBS 영재발굴단에 출연하였다.

이후, 서울팝스오케스트라와 어린이 대공원 숲 속의 무대에서 Bruch Concerto 3악장(6세)을, 그랜드 하얏트 호텔 그랜드볼룸에서 Sarasate의 Zigeunerweisen(7세)을 협연하였고, 안성시립 소년소녀 합창단 정기 연주회에서 Paganini의 Violin Concerto no.2 3악장- La Campanella(8세)를 연주하였다.

또한, UAE에서 열린 18th Emirates International Peace Music Festival에 협연자로 초대되어 Mozart Violin Concero no. 3 in G Major를 연주하고 Mall of the Emirates의 Theatre에서 리사이틀을 가졌다. 
2023년에는 예술의 전당 콘서트홀에서 Mendelssohn Concerto in e minor 1악장을 협연하였고, 국립극장 하늘극장에서 서울뉴데이심포니오케스트라와 Vivaldi 사계 봄 1악장을, 수원야외음악당에서 수원시립교향악단과 Waxman의 Carmen Fantasie를 협연하였다. 

이 밖에 잘츠부르크의 Mozarteum International Summer Academy에서 마티네 콘서트 연주자 및 수상자로 선정되었고, 615남북공동선언 20주년기념식, 2021 서울 녹색미래정상회의(P4G)와 같은 국가 행사 및 소아암돕기 희망콘서트, 영화 <라 멜로디>시사회, 부산남성초등학교 정기연주회 등에서 초청받아 연주하였고, 여러 앙상블과 다수의 협연, SBS 집사부일체, Al Jazeera 101 East외 여러 방송, 유튜브의 여러 컨텐츠에 어린 바이올리니스로 출연하였다.

현재 수원의 천천초등학교에 재학 중이다.
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